More Social Media Resources

More Social Media Resources

Whilst Facebook and Twitter are probably the two major sites for marketers there are other social media networks you can make use of, as well.

Facebook and Twitter are both very friendly to marketers, and they are also some of the most highly-traffic websites in the world. But other sites can be used successfully for marketing if you are careful and obey their rules.

Whilst this list is by no means complete it should give you a good start to your social media marketing adventure.

MySpace was the first really massive social media network, gaining millions of users very quickly. Their format was simple, but effective, and their growth was an internet phenomenon.

Unfortunately, their rules made it very difficult for marketers to use the site without getting banned. Even a hint of marketing could sometimes attract the ban hammer, so it became very tricky to use them for marketing purposes.

This, combined with serious usability issues, soon pushed users away in droves. Most of them flocked to Facebook in order to be able to market freely or to avoid the ads and other issues.

Social Media MarketingYou can still market on MySpace, but you have to be careful. One easy way to market to people on MySpace is to simply direct people to your blog whenever you make a blog post. This usually won’t get you banned, although it can. But once people make it to your blog, you’re free to market to them however you choose. – Sorry Now Closed

Created in 2005, Bebo was well known for being one of the most successful social networking sites in the United Kingdom. Its success boasted over 10 million users and saw it speed past MySpace in the race for social network popularity. The site, like many others, allowed users to connect with vast numbers of people all over the world. It had a lot of comparisons to Facebook, which was released the year before. Eventually these comparisons caused a negative reputation for Bebo.

Tip: Here’s How To Get Traffic & Leads From Your Social Media Marketing – Sorry Now Closed

Friendster was once a big social networking service. The service allowed users to contact other members, maintain those contacts, share content and media and discover events, music and hobbies. At its peak it had over 115 million registered users.

They tried to transform the service into a gaming site and this only made things worse for the people that wanted to use it as a social network. Friendster got it wrong and as big as they were they are now defunct.

On June 14, 2015 Friendster released the follow message to it members and the rest of the world:

Friendster is Taking A Break is a business network. It is meant primarily for business professionals to connect with one another, so it will usually be useful primarily for people who market in the business to business (B2B) area.

If you market to businesses or professionals, LinkedIn can be very useful. You can make use of groups in a way that is similar to Facebook fan pages, and you can also have your peers recommend your services in exchange for you recommending theirs. It’s a great way to network and meet other people who can help you if you are in the B2B field in any way.

Hi5 shares many similarities with many social media network sites; however, it introduces some twists that make it worthwhile for people who love trying out new and interesting online communities.

It is now one of the popular social media sites in the United States.

This was a strategic move from the founder, therefore, Hi5 claims around 60 million members from more than 200 countries other than the US. One of the site’s biggest transformations is the addition of many entertainment options, including games. – Ning is Now A Paid Site

Ning is the leading online platform for the world’s organizers, activists and influencers to create social media experiences that inspire action. It helps you create a safe and secure place online for like-minded people. Ning takes the idea of groups to a whole new level. The ability to create your own online community makes Ning a great home away from home for organizations and groups looking to fill the social void.

As always, keep socializing! This is the key to successful social media marketing!