Free Tools to Optimize Your Website

Optimize Your Website For Free

If you have a client website or a business website or whether you are a content marketer, an online marketer or SEO marketer, having free tools to optimize your website are an important step towards promoting and advertising your site.

If you have enough cash you can always hire good SEO on the internet as it may be the best option, however, if you are not well established and don’t have enough money to hire one, don’t worry there are several ways you can optimize your website for free.

Free tools not only help you to optimize your site but also help in reducing hiring expenses.

Here are some of the free tools you can use to optimize your site for free

free toolsGoogle Trends… 

Google trends allow you to choose the best keyword tool or key phrase to use for your site. It compares the traffic for various search terms, their geographical, historical and similar terms data to come up with the best keyword that is well suited to your website.

Google Trends is a go-to keyword tool. You can see how search queries change over time when people search for your keyword and compare different words or phrases to see which is best.

For example, if you operate, a cloth line and you would like to advertise your products during winter seasons and you are not sure which keyword to use to make your product competitive on the search engine; Google trends enables you to choose if snow scarves or winter jackets is the most popular term used. Choosing the most popular term/keyword increases your website traffic.

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GTmetrix allows you to improve your site by giving suggestions on various ways you can reduce the time it takes to load to your site. This is because the time it takes for your site to load has an effect on the ranking of search engines. If your site takes too long to load it is ranked poorly reducing traffic in it. Sites with great loading speeds are highly ranked which in turn translates to high traffic.


This SEO tool allows you to see important SEO information by going through your site up to the base level mostly without any images, headers or fancy fonts. This enables you to know which areas of your site need improvement.

Rank Checker… 

Enables you to know how your site is ranked among in the search engine and give you various tips you can apply to improve it. By keeping an eye on where you are and what you need to do to get better ranking, the rank checker will always help you navigate to good ranking. You may decide to install it to have easy access of your ranking.

Screaming Frog… 

Acts as Search Engine Optimization audit by looking for over-sized files, duplicate pages, missing metadata, broken links, internal links, oversize pictures or any other problem that the site may have. By providing reports about the problems the site you are able to solve them and improve the site.

Responsive Design Test… 

Search engines tend to prefer sites that look good on devices without considering their orientation or size. Be it a smartphone or a device with larger size and orientation, if it looks good it will always be preferred by a search engine. Responsive design test enables you to know your site responsive design so that you work on it to make sure it is sharp on all devices.

These free tools help you to increase traffic to your site providing you with a greater exposure to your target market. Not only do they help others to easily and effectively get access to your site but may also enable them to share your content with others which increases the possibility of information reaching to a wider market.

A great site enables you to share links and information thus building and enhancing blocks to your SEO.