EZ Perpetual Traffic System

Your Own EZ Perpetual Traffic System 2.0 Is Here!

Faster & Easier, More Viral, More Profitable

Stop working so hard for visitors who barely see your offer before they’re gone…
This Perpetual Traffic System churns out unstoppable high-quality traffic, virtually hands-free.

Now You Can Create The Exact Same System For Yourself!

* Take control of your traffic and you can finally take control of your business…

* Get off the single-use traffic treadmill for good.

* Stop throwing money away on ads that just don’t work.

* Start building your own perpetual traffic systems instead.

* Systems that keep working long after you stop.

* Quality perpetual traffic you can easily speed up or slow down… And send to any offer you like… in an instant.

Instead of working to generate traffic… earning credits that you can only use once… you’re going to set up your own independent perpetual traffic systems. Systems that will keep generating traffic, long after you stop working.

You connect your traffic systems in a way that they feed each other & further leverage your efforts, creating an increasing flow of high-quality visitors…

Step 1
Set Up your Traffic Portfolio. Register any accounts you don’t already have and then submit your powerlinks to activate your viral loops & recyclers.


Step 2
Complete three easy Wizards. These will activate the main Viral Driver, set you up with a lifetime of free Solo Ads, and the last ensures that you never have to Traffic Surf, ever again!

Step 3
You can explore the advanced tools & features once your traffic machine is up and running. Activate any that interest you whenever you’re ready.

Step 4
Say Goodbye to your old traffic sites! The final step we recommend is to re-visit all your old traffic sites, one last time, to post some links back to your system!

After that, your workload will be logging into your Portfolio websites to assign traffic credits and request payouts!

It’s going to take real time and effort to set this up. Even if it takes you a few nights a week for a month, it will still be so worth it!

Success online comes down to one thing: your ability to get your offer in front interested people… The real challenge is to find people who’ll actually Pay Attention and Consider your offer. What we refer to as Quality Traffic.

Creating quality traffic it is an art form. And it’s never easy, instant or free.

Now you can stop the never-ending traffic surfing, email reading and ad clicking today! Use that time to add real value to your business instead.

One Time Set Up & You’re Done. There’s real time and effort required to set this up, but once you’re done, the EZ system can send you a lifetime of high-quality, hands-free traffic.

Hundreds Of Traffic Sources. This system draws traffic from hundreds of sources so it’s more reliable than those gimmicky apps that rely on exploiting loopholes and spam techniques that eventually fail.

Easily Promote Any Offer. You’re not tied to EzHitzs and you can update your target URLs instantly, so you can test new offers, drop those that don’t convert and ramp up the winners.

Earn Passive Income On Steroids! Many of the tools we use will pay you, including several that almost everyone will upgrade using EzHitzs profits… so you’re paid to build & grow your Traffic Machine.

Build Your Business Not Ours! If you don’t get more out of a traffic site than you put in, then the only winner is the website owner. With EzHitzs it’s all about YOUR Return on Investment!

Here’s How Your Traffic Machine Works…

Your Ez Traffic Machine uses a series of custom Power Pages and Viral Loops to extract maximum value from every single visitor…


** Automated Traffic Generation
We launch your system with a mix of one-time Free Traffic and fully-funded Premium Traffic that we send through our viral Power Pages…

perpetual traffic** Traffic Recycling Loops
Every visitor to any of these pages earns you even more credits, impressions, signups and commissions… constantly feeding your machine and growing your system.

** Passive Revenue StreamsĀ  –
Your network includes multiple affiliate programs that reward you for sales & signups over multiple levels… all 100% hands-free.

** Traffic Conversion Systems
We constantly refine your launch traffic to generate quality pageviews & traffic credits, and turn that into optin leads, Ez signups.

** Email Marketing Campaigns
DFY campaigns create traffic, leads and sales for you on full auto, ensuring every Ez prospect you generate will add real value to your business for a year or more!

** Viral Multiplication Strategies
Built-in viral marketing pages generate multiple traffic program signups from a single lead, turbo-charging the output your entire system…. and MORE !

Your system will deliver a lifetime of high-quality hands-free traffic. Not to mention the list building. Not to mention the affiliate marketing. All fully built-in to the system, ready to go…

One Time Set Up & You’re Done.

Stop the endless surfing traffic exchanges, clicking ads, reading safelist emails etc, etc, and use your valuable time to create your own traffic system instead?

If you’re still here after all that, then you clearly see the potential and you’re the kind of person who’ll get the job done…

What our Members are Saying About The EzHitzs Perpetual Traffic Machine…

There is something very real going on here at EZHitz. Generate the traffic as explained in your setup instructions and watch your new internet marketing business blossom. The EZ system is not fluff and hype. It works! I have struggled with finding ‘smart’ systems that deliver. This is it!

John Piekiel, Jamestown, NC – Thursday, May 4, 2023

When I first started Ezhitzs, I was pretty overwhelmed. I was fairly sure it would not work the way it said. But was I ever wrong! I can’t tell you just how enjoyable – and surprising – it is to get these random notifications throughout the week saying: “You have a new referral!” If you’ve been involved in affiliate marketing for any length of time, you know exactly how rewarding this is. I now have no problems investing in my business, especially when I get to see concrete results.

Marcus Lindley; Fraser Lake, B.C. Canada – Sunday, April 30, 2023

I really love the EzHits system. Yes it requires some initial work and patience to get every part set up but when you accomplish this you feel genuinely satisfied you have achieved building a true perpetual traffic machine that will build you connections and income over time. EZHitzs has helped provide me with a perpetual stream of top-notch traffic

Terry Till UK – Wednesday, April 19, 2023

My ah-ha moment when I realized I was part of the 97% failing. I was promoting and trying to grow an opportunity like everyone else. What I was missing was growing my traffic – EzHitzs is growing my traffic and my list which in turn grows my opportunity and income. By far the best way to grow unlimited traffic

Bob Brooks Iowa USA – Sunday, April 23, 2023

Bottom Line:

With EzHitzs You’re In Total Control of Your Business & Your Traffic!

Registration for EzHitzs 2.0 is Now Open!

Claim Your Perpetual Traffic Machine Today

EZHitz Traffic Systems