Article Marketing Action Plan

Article Marketing Planning

Create your article marketing system and work on it every week, so that you are able to reach out to new readers ensuring that your content is in constant circulation.

When it comes to article marketing, quantity is just as important as quality.

The more articles that you have in circulation, the more traffic (and potential sales) you will be able to generate from all of your submissions, however you also want to focus on submitting only high quality, well written articles.

Remember, you are not only using articles as a way of generating targeted traffic but in developing a brand, or in building brand awareness if you are a new marketer or developer.

Remain Consistent!

Article MarketingIn order to maximize the performance of all of your article campaigns you need to stay consistent, adding fresh new content into your article directory accounts, ensuring that your campaigns retain their exposure while you keep the momentum going!

Create squeeze and landing pages that will help you utilize article marketing as a way of building targeted lists of subscribers. That way, you can send out broadcasts and future follow up emails with additional affiliate products as well as an equal balance of fresh, high quality content.

Step 1 – Choose Your Products

You need to locate a handful of high quality products to promote within your article marketing campaigns. is a good start to find products to promote. There are new products being added daily, and you can spend time evaluating popularity, gravity and overall performance by using free resources.

Step 2 – Compile Your Keyword Lists

Start with at least 25 keywords per topic so that you have a swipe file available whenever you create your articles. Focus on incorporating the product titles, author’s name and extremely relevant keyword phrases that will attract readers and ultimately, customers.

Step 3 – Write or Create The Articles

Once you have chosen your products, defined your keyword lists, it’s time to create the articles for submission. The more articles in circulation, the more exposure you will receive. Make sure that your articles are of high quality, relevant to the market or overall focus, and speak directly to the reader. Try to create at least 10-20 articles on each topic or product that you intend to promote.

Step 4 – Create Landing Pages And Submit Articles Consistently

Create high converting landing and squeeze pages by enticing your reader to subscribe to your mailing list in exchange for a free giveaway (ebook, report, etc).
Add these links to your author’s resource box and incorporate a strong call to action to motivate your reader to leave the article directory and explore your website.

Remember, articles are meant to drive in traffic, NOT to sell. If you capture their information and focus on building a massive targeted mailing list, you can always contact them with future follow ups

Step 5 – Double up on your keywords

By now you should have written a large number of articles and submitted them to the relevant article directories. If after a few weeks, you find a certain product is doing really well, double up. Always keep on top of your article marketing campaigns to determine what articles are performing and which ones need to be tweaked, modified or removed entirely.

Use the resources available within your article marketing accounts on sites like that will help you evaluate your overall efforts.

Keep moving ahead!

Article Directories & Resources –