Linkedin Social Networking Strategy

Using LinkedIn For Social Marketing

LinkedIn is a social networking site with a twist in that it is geared toward business professionals.

It is used to expand on and strengthen existing business connections. If LinkedIn is well-known as the social networking site for those seeking employment and those seeking employers, how can a platform like that help you in terms of marketing your business?

First the numbers…

1… LinkedIn has over 225 million registered users
2… LinkedIn has an estimated 110 million unique monthly visitors.

While the numbers are impressive, it’s still not obvious how this site can have a positive impact on your businesses social media marketing strategy.

Tip: Here’s How To Get Lots Of Traffic And Leads Using Social Media

Here are a few strategies to help you utilize LinkedIn Social in your overall media marketing strategy, including steps to building a noteworthy company page…

Create a LinkedIn company page.

This will be your company’s main page. The setup is easy, and there are many features to familiarize yourself with, but keep in mind that before you can start generating any business, you have to optimize your company’s profile by entering as much information about your business as possible. So complete each initial field thoroughly: experience, education, photo, skills & expertise, and details. As you enter the information, keep in mind that you are on a social platform that caters to business and internet savvy professionals.

Linkedin SocialThe home page includes a cover photo, links to your products and services, company updates, and more. Along with your ‘About Us’ section, these areas should be completed in full. Insert keywords in a natural form so they don’t appear obvious, but make sure that you use them.

Keywords are critical to getting people to your Linkedin Social page.

Add products and services, and list your most important product first. Are you a general contracting service with a specialty? Highlight the specialty first, but don’t neglect the other services either.

Your cover image will capture people’s attention, so make it fantastic and visually appealing.

Ask your employees to link their LinkedIn social pages to your company page. Their connections then automatically become your potential connections. This is an important feature to your success on LinkedIn social because 9 out of the top 10 companies with the biggest presence and number of followers on LinkedIn have at least 60 percent of their employees connected to their company pages.

Now that you have the perfect profile, it’s time to engage in some strategy because the number of people who can find your profile page, and in turn, your business, is limited to your number of connections.

Follow these tips that are specific to LinkedIn Social:

Ask for service and product reviews… These are written testimonials that you can feature on your company page, share on your business website, and share through other social media sites.

Promote your company page through LinkedIn’s ‘Company Follow’ button. This makes it easy for others who land on your website to follow you on LinkedIn with literally the click of a button.

Promote sales and deals through LinkedIn’s feature option. This moves your promotion to the top of your LinkedIn Company Page, making it more easily visible.

Video is important to a LinkedIn Social Company Page because it can link people to your YouTube profile as well. It also engages them in a way that only video can.

Link your other social media accounts to your LinkedIn Social Company Page, that way those who follow you on Twitter and Facebook, for example, may also be inclined to follow you on LinkedIn. The result will be that your Facebook followers who share Facebook-exclusive offers with their followers will also share your Twitter exclusive offers, and so on.

As with every other social media site, don’t post simply to post. Make the information engaging and varied.

Alternate between business trends and exclusive content deals, and then throw in a video or picture to keep it personal.
