How To Write A Better Article For Marketing

Creating An Effective Article

One of the biggest struggles content marketers have is how to write a better article and enough content while simultaneously keeping the quality high. That’s something professional writers must work through on a daily basis, so lets look at what we can do.

There are three parts to consider before you write a better article. Let’s take a look at what these are, and how you can make sure your’s are written in the best possible way.

Write A Better Article Title – 

The first thing your reader will see is your article title, so it’s an exceptionally important part of your article and serves as a headline does on a sales page. Your title needs to captivate them, get their attention and prompt them to read further. You want your article title to be irresistible so they can’t help but click on the link and read the entire page.

Write A Better Article Description – 

When article directories submit your content into their database, typically your title shows and possibly your description, or the first paragraph within your article content. This is one of a few reasons why that first paragraph is so important. It not only works to describe what your article is about, but just like the title or header, it also needs to work to motivate your reader to continue reading.

Write A Better Article

Write A Better Article Body Content – 

The remainder of your article should carry the reader right to the end. Don’t think that if your title and initial paragraph is good that they will simply continue reading, you still need to bring them along with you by weaving your article content so that it directly addresses the topic of your article.

Tip : Here’s How To Get Content From 100’s Of Sources In 1 Click

Keep it interesting and on topic. Use short paragraphs rather than lengthy ones and limit your better article body content to 400 characters in total.

With your article, you need to:

  • Use a clear and direct title that captures attention instantly.
  • Follow it up with the first paragraph clearly describing the topic of your article.
  • Continue with the body weaving a story, and doing its job by keeping the visitor reading through to the end.
  • The closing paragraph or statement satisfying the reader with an ending to the story if you choose that style and prompting them to read the resource box below.
  • The resource box then compels the reader to click on a link by offering free information in the form of a free report, ebook, video, tutorial, ecourse or something else, relevant to the topic of your article.

The Perfect Authors Resource Box

Your author’s resource box is usually the ONLY element of your better article that allows for promotion, so it’s vital that you create a compelling resource box that invokes a call to action and entices every reader to follow through by clicking on your links.

With sites like Ezine Articles, you are able to create multiple resource boxes, choosing one that compliments each article that you write. You can also create multiple authors’ accounts so that you can cover a large number of topics, all within one account.

Use your resource boxes wisely, and make sure that you offer your reader with an incentive to click through.
One way of doing this is by offering a free giveaway in your author’s resource box that is relevant to the topic or market that your article is focused on.

If you are not sure what you can offer within your resource box, here are a few things used successfully by authors:

  • Free Report
  • Newsletter or Ezine subscription
  • Free ebook
  • Free sample of a paid product
  • Free Trial Membership

When creating your author’s resource box, make sure to use anchor text whenever possible. This will help you rank for specific keyword phrases within the search engines. While not every article directory permits anchor text within author resource boxes, whenever possible include various keyword phrases pertaining to your market.

You also want to incorporate a strong call to action, directing your reader to click your link and explore your website.

You should also limit the number of links contained within your resource box to only one, so that your reader is given a clear message, to click on your link and visit your site, rather than being confused with multiple options.

Your overall article should tie in with the website that is featured within your author’s resource box.
To solve the problem of how to write a better article that doesn’t give away too much or not enough, there is a very simple system that works every single time.

It looks like this:

1) Topic Introduction
2) Examples Of Subject Matter
3) Solution / More Information On Subject Matter

With the topic introduction you are clearly explaining exactly what the article is about. If you were writing about how to quit smoking, you would explain the benefits of quitting, the available aids and so on.

Then, you would provide examples that directly relate to your topic, for example with smoking, you could provide examples of some of the remedies or aids that don’t work.

And finally, you would provide information on a possible solution, and show them exactly how to get started. You also want to try to stay within a 400-word guideline. Articles that are too lengthy will only distract your reader.

Tip: If you are able to outsource the writing to a seasoned writer, I’d recommend considering it. You’ll be able to free up some time and focus on promoting your business and brand in other ways.

Here are a few freelance marketplaces that will help you get started in finding the perfect writer for your niche markets.