Creating Backlinks Authority Planner

Creating Backlinks With Authority And Instant SEO

Feeder sites are an exceptionally fast and easy method of building high quality backlinks from some of the highest authority websites online.

Not only are these pages easy to create and maintain, but you can literally develop a massive backlinks system in a matter of a few days, just by creating a network of feeder sites and landing pages.

Feeder sites are typically hosted for free on sites like and, as well as articles that are submitted to various online article repositories.

Many of these websites have a lot of authority with Google and other search engines, which means they are already relatively “trusted”. Since they are established as being good quality sites, creating backlinks from them carry a significant amount of weight as far as search engines go and your SEO strategy.

Because most of them will allow almost anyone to create a site or page, it is easy to use them for creating backlinks.

You do need to spend a little time creating quality pages, but it definitely pays off in the long run.

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Squidoo – – –

With Squidoo being an authority website with search engines like Google, each time you build a lens, you are able to rank for specific keywords used within your page’s title and content itself. It’s a very effective strategy for generating backlinks and generating traffic to your website.

Creating BacklinksSquidoo also offers additional modules that you can integrate into your lens pages, including the option to incorporate an opt-in form into your page, so that you can begin to develop an email list of prospects.

If you follow their step-by-step wizard, you can have a lens made in just a few minutes. The lengthiest parts of the process would be keyword research, selecting tags, and writing the content. The rest of the work is extremely simple and goes by very quickly.

As long as you don’t go overboard, you are allowed to have pretty much as many backlinks as you want on your lenses. So you should sprinkle links to your site throughout each lens. Remember to use anchor text to link to your site. Anchor text is the text that is used to link to a site. For example:

<a href=””>Your Anchor Text</a>

Let’s say you have a page on your site called “How to Crochet an Afghan”. Some anchor text you might use would include:

  • How to Crochet an Afghan
  • Afghan Crochet Instructions
  • Crochet and Afghan
  • Crocheting an Afghan
  • How to Crochet Afghans

You would need to use a keyword program to determine which keywords would work well. I usually use the free keyword tool provided by Google, because I find it to be the best and most accurate available.

Just enter a seed keyword or phrase like “crochet an afghan” and you will get a list of potential keywords, along with the approximate number of monthly searches for that keyword.

Tags are a vital part of creating a lens. (They are also critical when building hubs on HubPages.) Tags are used to define what your page is about, and each tag will create a new page on Squidoo that contains links to all of the hubs that use that particular tag.

Hub Pages – – –

You can create a massive back-link campaign from HubPages, however unlike Squidoo they are a lot more particular with the type of content that you are permitted to include when building your single page websites (referred to as ‘hubs’)

With hub pages, you are able to include ‘tags’ which are keywords that describe what your hub is about, however be careful to use an excessive amount of tags or your hub may be removed without notice.

In order to increase your Hubpage author score, you will need to create 5 or more hubs. You need to increase your author score before you are able to start creating backlinks to your websites, so make sure that you develop a higher author score (by creating hubs) and that you retain a score higher than 75.

If you don’t, your links will no longer be do follow and you will lose your backlinks juice.

Now, go start creating backlinks campaigns and generate unstoppable FREE traffic to your websites!