Choosing A Domain Name and Displaying Your WordPress Property

Choosing A Domain Name For Your Website

Picking the RIGHT domain name for your business idea is crucial for success.

choosing a domain nameOften new business owners rush in choosing a domain name for their business only to realize that they have made the wrong choice.

If you choose the wrong domain name, then it can be a hassle to switch later on without hurting your brand and search rankings.

1. Only choose .com domains… The biggest reason is that your users are conditioned to type .com at the end of every website. 

2. Use keywords in your domain… If you want your website to rank higher in Google, then having a keyword in the domain name can be very helpful.

3. Make it easy to pronounce and spell… One of the biggest reason for lost traffic is typos. When choosing a domain name, it’s extremely important that your website name is easy to spell and pronounce.

4. Keep it short… Longer domain names are hard to remember, and they are also prone for more typos.

5. Make it brandable… You want to make sure that your domain name is unique and brandable, so that it stands out in your readers’ mind.

6. Avoid Hyphens… Hyphenated domains are prone to more typos. Often your users will forget to add the hyphen and end up on your competitor’s website.

7. Dont infringe on another company you could get into trouble
8. Make it intuitive and subtle and use broad keywords

Hope This Helps

Finding A Domain Name Mesh

Finding An Impossible Domain

Lean Domain Search

Finding An Instant Domain Name

Domains On Namecheap


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